The Future Belongs to the Rare Breed®

Rare Breeds have always been with us. Joan of Arc was a Rare Breed. Mozart was a Rare Breed. Orson Welles was a Rare Breed. Lenny Bruce was a Rare Breed. Maya Angelou was one, too.

These people unsentimentally tore down the conventions of their chosen fields and transformed them with their talent and vision.

Now, Rare Breeds include Tomi Adeyemi, the twenty-five-year-old author of the bestselling fantasy Children of Blood and Bone, who has shown young writers of color that there’s a place for them in the lily-white world of swords and sorcery. You can count Malala Yousafzai, the Pakistani activist and winner of the Nobel Peace Prize who didn’t let a round of bullets shoot down her vision of a world where all girls can learn and lead, among their ranks, too.

Rare Breeds live to their own beat and are indistinguishable from their calling. To get what they want—to realize visions that seem outlandish to the rest of the world—they sacrifice everything and stop at nothing. They are rebellious thinkers, relentless perfectionists, strange weirdoes, and spellbinding orators. They squeeze every ounce of talent from themselves and everybody around them. Until, one day, their potential is realized, and they change the world.

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