I put Jay-Z's "22 Two's” over Rum Nitty's second round haymaker.

We were board in discord and decided to blend the battles with instrumentals. Thought about Rum’s second round for K-Shine, one of my favorite rounds of all time. Figured it’d be cool if someone put the instrumental of “22 Two’s” alongside the 22 Two’s roomshaker.

Hope you guys enjoy, comment what other mixes you’d like to see.


#RumNitty #JayZ #BattleRap #NOME9 #urltv #rapbattle #battle #hiphop #ReasonableDoubt #Jay #Beyonce

Follow the gang.

Battle Rap Bum: @BattleRapBum
Maven: @themotownmaven
Doctor: @TheBattleRapDr
Hawk: @Hawk_C4
Melik: @Melikxyz
Kai: @KaiAfrican
Marco: @Chicagoattt
Bree: @cannabree
Ivy: @imivyyy_
Taty: @therealkorean_
Rocq Lee: @Rocq_Lee
Vegan: @bostonnprincess
Whurlin: @YungWhurlin
Yashar: @iloveyashar
Oppa: @OppaFromDiscord
Moni: @thatgalmoni
Jeremy: Jezza1030